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bareback (gay) big cocks (gay) hunks (gay) rough play rough sex. He was sent off in the Bianconeri's win over Valencia in a controversial clash with Jeison Murillo. men (gay) sex in dress green dress rough sex dress sex. Ronaldo watched Juventus' 3-0 victory over Swiss side Young Boys in the Champions League on Tuesday from the stands due to a one-game suspension. “We are disheartened by the news report we’ve seen in the last 24 hours and are working to get more information,' the charity told The Independent. Save The Children, a charity that Ronaldo has represented since 2016, expressed its concern at Der Spiegel's contested claims on Tuesday. Her lawyers are now reportedly seeking to declare the non-disclosure agreement void. She claims to have reached an out-of-court settlement with Ronaldo in 2010 involving a $375,000 (£288,000) payment for agreeing never to go public with the accusations. Ms Mayorga, 34, is reported to have filed a rape report with Las Vegas police after the alleged incident. Love to watch gay forced sex Check out Gay Gang Rape for incredible men rape sex videos. He reportedly added that he had been instructed to seek compensation for 'moral damages' over 'probably one of the most serious violations of personal rights in recent years'. His lawyer, Christian Schertz, said: 'The reporting in Spiegel is blatantly illegal.' Ronaldo's legal team, per BBC, say they will sue Germany's Der Spiegel magazine.

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